屈光手术 & 视力矫正

我们的医生做LASIK手术手术, PRK, PCRI / AK党, 微笑, ICL植入术, 透明镜片交换器, 和角膜交联.



Refractive surgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect vision. Our specialists are part of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康's Stein and Doheny Eye Institutes, which rank among the top in the nation every year for ophthalmology care by U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道.


突破性的发现: Specialists at the Laser Refractive Center pioneered several techniques for treating vision problems. LRC was one of a limited number of sites selected to participate in US Food and Drug Administration clinical trials of excimer laser technology, 现代LASIK手术和PRK的基础. The LRC was the first site in Los Angeles to apply laser treatment to correct myopia (nearsightedness) and astigmatism (irregular eye curvature). LRC医生还开发了广泛使用的PCRI / AK党图.

先进的技术: We perform a variety of advanced techniques to correct vision problems, including laser technology. Our specialists use the most effective approach to achieve each patient’s vision goals.

研究重点: Our specialists are active researchers who continually advance care by studying new treatment options. 通过参与临床试验, we can offer access to promising new therapies for eligible patients.

成本透明: We publish surgical costs on our website and don’t have hidden fees. Our out-of-pocket costs are lower than the national average, even for advanced treatment options.


Our doctors perform vision correction surgery at the Laser Refractive Center. This full-service vision correction facility is as beautiful and welcoming as it is advanced. 自1995年中心开业以来, our specialists have been at the forefront of discoveries in refractive surgery. We use state-of-the-art technologies and advanced techniques to treat conditions that impair vision.


We offer a free screening consultation to determine if you’re eligible for laser vision correction. You should bring your best pair of distance glasses to this appointment. 如果你配戴隐形眼镜,请带备以下资料:

  • 基地曲线
  • 品牌
  • 直径
  • 制造商
  • 权力

If you’ve had previous eye surgery, please bring all relevant details about the operation. 你可以向你以前的外科医生索要手术报告.

If you wear soft contact lenses, you must stop for at least three days before your appointment. If you wear rigid contact lenses, you must stop for at least three weeks before your appointment. With both types of lenses, the longer you can stop wearing them before your appointment, the better.

During the consultation, our ophthalmologists perform tests, including:

前节段的生物显微镜检查: 医生评估眼睛的前表面. 

折射测量: 这个测试评估屈光不正的严重程度.


If you move forward with surgery, you’ll meet with an eye doctor for a preoperative examination. There’s a $500 nonrefundable deposit due at the time of this service. 我们会把你的存款记入你的全部手术费用, 但如果你不做手术,是不退的.

你的眼睛将被放大以进行术前评估. 约会时带上墨镜. You may need to arrange for someone to drive you home after the evaluation.

在术前评估时, our surgeons repeat the two tests from the screening evaluation to confirm their initial findings. 他们将使用额外的测试,例如: 

角膜形貌及厚度测量: The doctor measures the thickness, shape and curvature of the outer eye surface (cornea).

瞳孔后段扩张检查: The doctor uses eye drops to enlarge your pupils and examine the back of your eye.

眼压检查: 医生测量每只眼睛的眼压.

如果你符合条件并且想安排手术, our surgery coordinator will meet with you to make an appointment.


成本透明是我们团队的首要任务. We publish costs on our website and there are no upcharges in the office. All prices are final and reflect our use of the latest technology.

PCRI / AK党$1,500

Note that corneal crosslinking may be covered by some insurance plans. 如果你有空的话, you may also pay for laser refractive surgery with funds from a health savings account. We offer discounted services for patients interested in surgery with a 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 ophthalmology resident or fellow. If you’re interested in this option, you may speak with your doctor to learn more.



散光: 斜视眼的不完美弧度,常导致视力模糊

远视(远视): When distant objects appear clear but close objects appear blurry

近视(近视): When close objects appear clear but distant objects appear blurry

老花眼: A type of farsightedness associated with the natural aging process


Our specialists offer nonsurgical and surgical treatments for problems that affect the eye’s shape and impair vision. Nonsurgical treatments for refractive errors may include corrective eyeglasses or contact lenses.


We offer a number of vision correction surgeries (laser refractive surgeries), including:  

LASIK手术和PRK: Surgeries such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK手术) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) correct nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism by changing the shape of the cornea.

PCRI: Peripheral corneal relaxing incisions (PCRI) improves astigmatism by flattening parts of the cornea to make the eye curvature more uniform.

微笑: Small incision lenticule extraction (微笑) corrects nearsightedness by changing the shape of the eye.


Our expert refractive surgeons tailor treatment to meet your vision goals. 我们使用最新的视力矫正技术, research new treatments and train the next generation of leaders.


LASIK手术和激光视力矫正手术, 白内障及屈光性疾病
LASIK手术和激光视力矫正手术, 白内障及屈光性疾病
LASIK手术和激光视力矫正手术, 白内障及屈光性疾病
LASIK手术和激光视力矫正手术, 白内障及屈光性疾病
LASIK手术和激光视力矫正手术, 白内障及屈光性疾病


Please call the individual doctor’s office to schedule an appointment.


We offer a wide range of treatments, including laser refractive surgery.